Basic Cold Process Soap Recipe

16 oz. Coconut Oil
16 oz. Olive Oil
8 oz. Palm Oil
8 oz. Soybean (I use partially hydroginated 100% soy but I assume Crisco will work great too)
7.0 oz. Sodium Hydroxide
16 oz. Water

It is a simple recipe that seems in balance of soft and hard oils and all of my batches have turned out great. I superfat to about 5%. This is by far NOT the only recipe I use but I think it’s a good base recipe and I like the three pound size… it is easy to manage. I personally feel smaller batches are easier to “control” and I rarely have any problems. I like adding oats, etc…

submitted by Paul S.

A reminder — The usual disclaimers apply. The recipes in this library reflect the individual contributors' own methods of soapmaking and are written in their own words. We cannot personally guarantee the success or results of any of the recipes included in this library.