Cranberry Goat Milk Soap Recipe
38 oz. tallow, vegetable shortening, or palm oil (I used vegetable shortening for this one)
24 oz. coconut oil
24 oz. olive oil
32 oz. water less the weight of a can of goat’s milk which I set aside
12 oz. lye
For the water I used triple strength cranberry tea. I also added about 1 tsp. of sea salt to the water before I added the lye. That turned the tea blue and then when I added the lye it turned a peculiar brownish red. At trace I added the can of goat’s milk, 2 oz. cranberry fragrance oil, and about 4 bags of dry cranberry tea. When I unmolded the soap, it had little red and blue (?) specks all through it from the dry tea. And it smells wonderful! Now that it’s been a week the blue specks are pretty much red and they’re starting to spread out a little. I’ve been adding about a tsp. of sea salt to each batch of water to give the soap a little help in hardness.
A reminder — The usual disclaimers apply. The recipes in this library reflect the individual contributors' own methods of soapmaking and are written in their own words. We cannot personally guarantee the success or results of any of the recipes included in this library.