“Polly’s Special Blend” Cold Process Soap

30 oz. Olive Oil
24 oz. Coconut Oil
12 oz. Palm Oil
12 oz. Palm Kernel Oil
11.37 oz. Lye
27 oz. Distilled Water

Lye & Water at 110 degrees. Traced in about 10 minutes. Added at trace warmed:

1.30 oz. Castor Oil (because that’s all I had)
4 oz. Calendula infused Olive Oil
1/8 cup Calendula Petals

Essential Oils:

1 1/8 oz. Sweet Orange
1/4 oz. Neroli
1/2 oz. Bergamot
1/2 oz. Calendula

These are what I had on hand. So far it smells wonderful.

submitted by Pauline A.

A reminder — The usual disclaimers apply. The recipes in this library reflect the individual contributors' own methods of soapmaking and are written in their own words. We cannot personally guarantee the success or results of any of the recipes included in this library.