Shampoo Bar Recipe for Dry, Brittle Hair

I spent several hours reading up on oils and looking for ones that were especially good for dry, brittle hair.

60 oz. Olive Oil
24 oz. Grapeseed Oil
16 oz. Palm Oil
8 oz. Castor Oil
8 oz. Palm Kernel Oil
4 oz. Wheat Germ Oil

28 oz. water
20 oz. Whole Milk Yogurt
17.5 oz. Lye
Small pinch raw silk fiber (becomes silk proteins)

Mix silk, water and lye together — cool to 100, then add the yogurt. Warm oils to 100. Add lye blend and oils together — both at 100. Stir to trace.


2 oz. Avocado Oil
1 oz. Shea Butter
1 1/2 oz. Beeswax
1 oz. Cocoa Butter

I added the following FO’s:

3 oz. Apple
3 oz. Almond

This makes a BIG batch, but it is well worth the effort. :o)

submitted by Kay C.

A reminder — The usual disclaimers apply. The recipes in this library reflect the individual contributors' own methods of soapmaking and are written in their own words. We cannot personally guarantee the success or results of any of the recipes included in this library.