Tips For Making Bath Salts & Mineral Baths
An easy body polish is one part each of melt and pour soap (melted), nourishing oil (I use almond), and salt. You may have to adjust the proportions depending on your melt and pour brand. Just melt the soap and oil together, add salt and fragrance. Bath salts are also easy. At their simplest, they are just scented salt. I tend to use a mixture of salts (dendritic, sea, and Epsom) and baking soda. For milk baths, I use or add dry milk and cornstarch. Tinker with the proportions until you like them.
The secret to stop bath salts from clumping is glycerine! I use 1 tablespoon per cup and not a clump in sight. Add your EO’s to the glycerine, then the glycerine mix to the rest. It works for me. I’m thinking I might try a little less glycerine and see if it still works as well.
I use equal amounts of epsom salt and sea salt. I add my color, mix well, then put in my coffee grinder to grind up. It helps to mix the color. And since it’s fine, it doesn’t sit in clumps at the bottom of the tub! It dissolves easily. Then I add my fragrance oils or essential oils and package. I can get the epsom salts for 54¢/lb. and sea salt for 27¢/lb. here at one of the local grocery stores. Check around the bulk food stores in your area.
A reminder — The usual disclaimers apply. The recipes in this library reflect the individual contributors' own methods of soapmaking and are written in their own words. We cannot personally guarantee the success or results of any of the recipes included in this library.
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