Yolanda's Thai Peanut Soap
Here goes the basic recipe (the oils and lye) but the spices etc. are still open to interpretation.
8 oz shortening
4 oz coconut
4 oz lard
2.5 oz lye
1/2 C water
1/2 C milk (coconut or buttermilk works too)
1 t creamy peanut butter (I’ve used almond and sesame too)
I add the nut butters melted in the milk just before trace. I’ve added about 1 t each of the 5 spice powder and the lemongrass. Also added lemongrass, lime and clove eo’s. I’ve also done this with my regular shortening, coconut and olive oil soap and it worked fine.
A reminder — The usual disclaimers apply. The recipes in this library reflect the individual contributors' own methods of soapmaking and are written in their own words. We cannot personally guarantee the success or results of any of the recipes included in this library.
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